Think you're good at bluffin'? Find out with our 'That Dog Won't Hunt' game - It's a Southern Thing

2022-10-16 06:51:34 By : Ms. Tracy Lei

The newest family-friendly game by It's a Southern Thing, called "That Dog Won't Hunt," is here to put the whole family's fibbing skills to the test, and keep everyone laughing too. The game, which was developed by Kelly Kazek, has players roll a uniquely Southern set of dice before battling it out to see who can bluff -- or fib, as Southerners would say -- the best about what their own die show while guessing at what lies underneath other folks' cups. So what makes the dice so Southern, you wonder? Well, they feature tiny illustrations, designed by our own Liz Dial, an avid tabletop gamer, of some of the South's favorite things, like a biscuit, a slice of pecan pie, a Bless Your Heart, a possum, a skillet of cornbread and a kudzu vine.

Related:Watch the It's a Southern Thing game play a round of 'That Dog Won't Hunt' here! "Designing the dice for 'That Dog Won’t Hunt' was a really cool experience," Liz said about her creations. "They turned out really nice, and I loved that they’re etched. I am what the TTRPG community calls a 'dice hoarder' so to now have dice that have my drawings on them is rad. Maybe I could even incorporate them into my RPG games too! They’re probably better suited for their actual purpose in 'That Dog Won’t Hunt' though. I think my favorite is the possum. It’s too dang cute." Want to own a set of dice with Liz's designs on 'em too? You can go ahead and grab "That Dog Won't Hunt" in our store now for $19.99.

In the South, everyone gets a little superstitious every now and then.

That's why we decided to ask our readers "what is your favorite Southern superstition?" on the It's a Southern Thing Facebook page. The responses we got were filled with notions on how to attain, among other things, luck, marriage, wealth and hairy babies. You know, the important things in life.

While a lot of people might not believe in superstitions, we think it's better to be safe than sorry so don't forget to hold up your feet when riding over the railroad, hold your breath when passing a graveyard and never, ever split the pole.

After all, as one reader said, in the South, "superstitions" are just facts science has yet to accept.

You can read some of our favorite responses below, and you can read all of the comments here.

"During college football season, my family eats the animal of our opposing team that day, and we stay away from eating chicken that day (our team is the Carolina Gamecocks). It's supposed to bring us good luck and if we eat chicken, then bad luck. Also, the luckiest person in the family lights a candle and it's supposed to give us good luck as well 🙂" -- Rose Gei

"Of course, the New Year food, but also, never give someone a knife or you'll cut your love. And my grandpa always made sure to be the first at our door on New Years Day. A man being the first person at you door was good luck. I read recently that was from either Ireland or Scotland. Scotland , I'm pretty sure." -- Jessica Stapler

"On New Year's Day eat black-eyed peas for good luck and collard greens for money all year long." -- Susan Jensen Shaneyfelt

"How many ribbons you break when opening wedding gifts is how many children you will have. Rain on your wedding day is good luck. Have someone else walk for the bride during the rehearsal so the wedding will go well. Don't walk under a ladder. Don't step on the threshold when entering a room. Eating spicy food while pregnant means the baby will have lots of hair." -- April Barnes Whitworth

"Granny said 'don't put your purse on the bed.' (Bad luck). My dad would give a penny with any kind of knife, to avoid "cutting" the relationship. He'd also put a penny in a gift wallet for good luck." -- Lynn M Brady

"Don't do laundry on New Year's Day lol" -- Glenda Reed

"Women should never put their purse on the floor or they'll be broke...never clean (especially sweep) on New Year's or you'll sweep out the good luck..." -- Justin Paige

"I will throw in there if two or more people are walking together and they approach a pole. Do not split the pole. My Mother would make me come around and pass the pole on the same same that she did if I split it." -- Wanda Polk

"If you see a red cardinal someone you love has come to visit" -- Emerald Preston

"Lots of New Year superstitions...we bury our coins under the steps on NYE (but not pennies), then dig them up the next day. It's supposed to bring prosperity for the new year. Also, don't do laundry on New Year's Day. Not sure why. 🤷🏼♀️My husband says to never tell anyone the dream you had the night before until after you've had breakfast, unless you want it to come true!" -- Betsy McGuigan Gose

"'Haint Blue' porches to ward off evil spirits. So beautifully Southern <3" -- Andrew Riddle

"Knocking the salt shaker over, throwing the salt over your shoulder. Left shoulder??" -- Lisa Rodgers

"My aunt would throw a fit if you put a hat on your bed. You had to leave the house from the same door you entered. And mama would have had a stroke if a baby got their hair cut before their first birthday." -- Jessica Norman

"Holding your feet up over a railroad. And touching a button when you see a hearse." -- Amber Knapp Russell

"If you get a sudden chill/shiver for no reason, someone is walking on your grave. If your ears burn, someone is talking about you." -- Shauna Martin

"If the cows are laying down, it's going rain." -- Donna Johnson Hutchins

"No white pants or shoes between Labor Day and Easter." -- Tracy Hodges Hogan

"Always buy a new broom when you move. So you don't bring old dirt (bad memories) into a new house." -- Lisa Dill Dunlap

"Itchy palm, means your coming into money" -- Stephanie Welsh

"Knock on wood so something bad you just talked about won't happen." -- Rhonda Thomas Almarode

"Hold your breath when passing a graveyard so a spirit can't jump in you." -- Augusta Wilson Harvard

"Never pick up a coin if it's tails up." -- Todd Holtet

"If someone sweeps under your feet when you are sitting down, you will never get married 😁" -- Beth Johnson

"Don't ever get bit by a snapping turtle. It will not let go until it thunders and lightning" -- Michael Kennedy

"Tell a lie and it becomes the truth! 'I can't work today, I'm sick!' Gets sick a week later!" -- Ginger Birkner

"If you get wet while hand washing dishes you'll marry a drunk. Watching a scary movie while pregnant you'll have a hairy baby" -- Jessica Bruff

"You'll pee the bed if you play in the fire." -- Weston Davis

"Never eat both ends of a loaf of bread before finishing the middle, otherwise you won't be able to make ends meet...(I don't like the ends anyway this one works for me)" -- Kathryn Ransom

"If my nose is itching someone is coming to see me 😂 compliments of my Granny❤️" -- Joely Watford Izzo

"We like to refer to these "superstitions" as facts science has yet to accept." -- Kelly C. Douthit

Do you love eating but aren't so big on cooking? Well, our video series, "Talia's Kitchen" is for you -- 'cause she feels the same way!

In the latest episode of "Talia's Kitchen," you can learn how to make the Southern classic dish of Shrimp and Grits with minimal effort, and on that note, we feel the need to issue a quick disclaimer: we're using Quick Grits, and we have zero regrets (but please don't tell our Granny that.)

If you're thinking about taking away our Southern cards away for the speedy grits, we feel the need to also tell you there's Conecuh sausage in these shrimp and grits recipe. Yeah, we thought that might get your attention.

You can see the full video here!

Who doesn't love a good vacation?

Whether you're head to the beach, the mountains or some other far off destination, everybody loves getting away for a while, and that includes Southerners. Who wouldn't want to spend a few days eating mandatory desserts, napping and avoiding people as much as possible?

Of course, vacations aren't totally without some stress. You have to settle the family debate on what to do, deal with the packing process and, of course, buy all your friends and family a souvenir (usually at the airport as you're waiting to board your flight.)

You can watch our "Things Southerner Say on Vacation" video here.