Weekly Tarot Card Reading Horoscope by Sign, March 28, 2022

2022-04-21 10:49:44 By : Ms. Vicky Zhang

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Our resident tarot expert Kerry Ward breaks down what’s in the cards for you this week.

You don't need to know the difference between a three-card and a Celtic cross spread to get the most out of a tarot card reading. All you need: your Sun sign! Here's what I do: Shuffle my tarot deck and pull out the cards in order from Aries to Pisces, plus one general card for everyone so that you can get specific advice around your personality. Let’s go!


Think about how you show up as a global citizen, in terms of awareness, behavior, and support. The Hierophant acknowledges a societal shift and asks us all to focus on where we can make the most difference. You can’t be everywhere at once, but if we all do our part, we can make a difference. Choose a goal when it comes to your community or cause, and get to work.

You’re going to be tested this week, Aries. And that’s okay, because you love a challenge. It wakes you up! The Knight of Swords shows that this challenge is about power and territory in some way—maybe it involves your role at work, maybe it's about the dynamics of an important relationship, or maybe it's pointing to a dilemma about an actual location. Push yourself forward and get what’s yours. Find the right balance.

The Queen of Pentacles is a symbol of your strength, beauty, practicality, and security. You want yourself and your loved ones feel safe and protected. Step into that role of protector and nurturer this week, Taurus, and pay extra close attention to how you feel. Whatever makes you feel safe, do more of it. Then expand your awareness to your circle and check in.

Lucky you, Gemini! The Nine of Cups grants you a cosmic pass this week. Put it to use by focusing on your biggest dream. Make moves in its direction, and then let the universe step in and bring you unexpected opportunities. If you take the first step, the universe will help you the rest of the way—so get moving. It’s going to be an ah-mazing week.

The Ten of Pentacles is a happy-ever-after card—but there is no fairy godmother who’s going to come and sprinkle her magic over your bank account/apartment/laptop/office/dating app. YOU are in control of your destiny. What will you do with that power and influence? Set your gaze as far into the future as possible. Then come back to the here and now and take action to make that dream a reality. It all starts now.

You can be a bit emotional, Leo. And that's a good thing—it makes you intuitive. Pay close attention to your instincts this week, and act on what you feel. The Queen of Cups brings you emotional intelligence. Your body often knows things before your conscious mind does, so if your throat feels closed, your chest tight, your shoulders ache-y, then ask for insight. Messages await your attention.

Love is in the air, Virgo, and you’re feeling romantic. Zoom in on an object of your affection—be it a lover, a crush, or even a close friend. The Two of Cups reveals that this relationship is positive and supportive. You can tell this person your feelings without fear of rejection or betrayal. Go all out! Make a big gesture to show how much you appreciate them. They're ready to make you feel appreciated, too.

Power plays are in the pipeline this week, Libra, so make sure you know what you want—and how to get it. Don’t let yourself end up a supporting cast member in someone else’s show. You are the main character! The Emperor urges you to be bold, direct, and strong. Clarify your goals and pursue your desires. No one is going to make your dreams come true for you. It’s all on you, Libra. Go get it.

Sometimes, communication can be tricky for you. You can sometimes come off as aloof, distant, and even secretive. You’re an enigma to many, Scorpio, and sometimes that can get you in a sticky situation. People can start to ignore, overlook, or just avoid you. Don’t let this happen! Force yourself to be visible, present, and overtly communicative this week. The Eight of Wands shows that there are plenty of opportunities waiting for you, but you need to be ~seen~ first. Be visible.

Good karma is coming your way, Sagittarius! And you deserve it. The Six of Pentacles reveals that you’ve been living in a good karma cycle for some time. You've been helping out others without expecting anything back. Well, there are rewards, opportunities, and surprises all heading your way this week, because karma is ready to thank you for all of your good deeds.

You're a decisive person by nature, but right now, you’ve been holding off on making a choice, and it's become a bigger deal than it had to be. Maybe you’re worried about committing one way or another, or you want to keep your options open. Whatever's stopping you, take a good look at it this week and work it out. Make your choice. Stop procrastinating.

When it comes to changing a behavior or breaking a bad habit, timing is everything. You need to find motivation and determination, so that the path of least resistance no longer looks tempting. This is THE week to tackle a long-hated bad habit of yours. Whatever it is, it's really getting to you, and you're fed up. Listen to yourself. It’s time.

The Chariot is a powerful card about purpose, progress, and movement (either literal or ~metaphorical~). You are reviewing your place in this life, whether in terms of actual location, role, or relationships. You're thinking about the future. So this week, make positive plans. Be brave. Take the first steps towards where you REALLY want to go.